Saturday, June 11, 2011

Patty Sanchez

One of my favs from the old Triumph Studios. Used to love picturing her and my friend's mom wrestling. It was the perfect contrast. The older busty hourglass figure woman who never saw the inside of a gym in her life against a young toned muscular woman. I actually once showed this picture to my friend's mom and asked her how she would do against her. You can see a small crease in the middle of the photo. That's where I folded it to put it in my back pocket. Of course I was only going to take it out if she was the only one home which, luckily, she was. She just laughed and said what she always said, she wouldn't be able to do much against her.

Choking Her

Obviously this one is over.

60's Backyard Brawl

The woman on the right looks like she doesn't want anything to do with the woman on the left. My guess is the woman on the left tuned her up pretty good.

Getting Ready

I love the setting for this one. Looks like a someone's living room from back in the late 60's or early 70's. If you notice there's a woman on the couch watching.